Beverly, MA Celebrates 75 Years of Little League History
Good afternoon, All, Due to circumstances outside of our control; tomorrow's Family Fun Day will be postponed to a later date in the summer. We will be sure to keep everyone updated and we appreciate your understanding as w...
CORI Form is attached.
See the full schedule as well as package and ordering info.
Evaluations will take place in early March.
Please help us close up Harry Ball for the winter on Oct 23rd at 12 noon.
Please come out this weekend and root our District All Star teams in their first tournament games!
Hello fellow BLL families, Time to get the snack shack up and running! Starting THIS Friday, April 29, the shack will be open Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat, depending on volunteer availability. Volunteering is an easy way to get involv...
Registration for the Majors division is now closed on-line for the 2022 season. If you are interested in signing up your child for the majors please reach out to us directly at [email protected] Registration for a...
Evaluations will take place the last Sunday in March.
Register today - games begin September 10
Beverly Little League is proud to announce the 2021 selections for our District 15 Williamsport All Star teams.
Congratulations to the Cardinals and Manager Craig DeOrio for winning this year's Majors Championship. The Cardinals run prevention strategy all year long lasted through the finals as they held the A's to just 2 runs in the fi...
Congratulations to the AAA Cardinals and Manager Kyle Baker.
Congratulations to the AA Cardinals and Manager, Billy Megrath for winning the AA Championship.
PO Box 222 Beverly, Massachusetts 01915
Phone: 978-922-4595
Email: [email protected]